Let's start with what Chapter 2 says about ...
The attributes this chapter shows are that He:
- is with us-vs. 4
- blesses individuals-vs. 4
- is the God of Israel-vs. 12
- is a protector-vs.12
- sees our work-vs.12
- rewards-vs. 12
- shows us where to go-vs. 20
Boaz=in Him is strength
Glean= gathering of what was left behind after crops were harvested
Kinsmen=the eldest blood relative had the responsibility to redeem family member that had fallen on hard times.
Naomi's heart was different when she returns to Bethlehem. When she left with her family in the beginning of Chapter One, it appeared she had a determined, self sufficient heart that was setting out to a godless land. Her heart upon returning was broken and dependent on God for her every need. She returned with Ruth and a deep feeling of emptiness. The fact that women that met her in Chapter 1 Verse 19 said, "Is this Naomi?" meant that 10 years had taken a toll on her and she did not even look like the same person.
Where do we turn when we are empty?
Take a moment to think-have you ever moved out in your life because you wanted to? Did you turn to others for advice first or did you seek God first? What happened?
Up to this point it has almost seemed like the book we are studying should be named Naomi. Alas! RUTH comes into full view as we study chapter 2. Without further ado...
- She is a new believer in a new land.
- She was poor.
- She was patient.
- She persevered until she had gathered a whole bushel.
- She was willing to work.
- She was willing to take instruction.
- She was willing to step out in faith.
- She is generous.
- She was faithful.
- Are you poor?
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 5:3
When we walk humbly recognizing an Almighty God we can live a life with a heavenly perspective.
- Are you patient?
Love is patient. -1 Corinthians 13:3
When we have experienced the patient and gracious love of God, it changes us. We can extend the same patience to others.
- Are you willing to work?
So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. -Philippians 2:12
As believers we are to work out our salvation in front of a watching world. We are different because of what Jesus has done in our heart. As young moms, you are working out salvation in front of your kids. As a student, you are working out your salvation in front of your teachers and peers.
- Are you willing to take instruction?
Apply thy heart unto instruction, And thine ears to the words of knowledge. -Proverbs 23:12
Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness. -2 Timothy 3:16
The most obvious place for us to turn with the Holy Spirit's help is the Bible. It would often make life so much easier if we went there first.
- Are you bold enough to step out in faith?
in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through our faith in him. -Ephesians 3:12
We often do not embrace the confidence and boldness that our faith in Christ gives us. We have received a great inheritance when we come to faith in Christ. We need to embrace it.
- Are you generous?
For I have given you an example, that ye also should do as I have done to you. John 13:15
Jesus shows us generosity in every facet of His life. He is our example to follow.
- Are you faithful?
for we walk by faith, not by sight... 2 Corinthians 5:7
It is hard to be people of faith when we can't visibly see answers.
May we move out in faith as Ruth did knowing that we walk before a faithful God that sees our every move and knows what's best for us. May we look at the book of Ruth as an example to us of how to walk humbly but faithfully with an all knowing God.
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